All-Star United States

National Pageant Charity

A Queens Promise

Providing a Chance for a Change

United States All-Stars Organization, USASO, exist for the betterment and empowerment of children. We help provide basic needs in communities including food and clothing – plus life improving/betterment skills and needs – i.e., education through scholarships, interview skills, social etiquette, and experiences.

We’re partnering with schools, social workers, foster care agencies, and churches to identify children ages birth to 12 facing poverty, abuse, neglect, or another type of emotional trauma. We know that adverse childhood experiences can harm a child’s brain development and result in long-term negative health and social outcomes.

Our goal is to help reduce their stress by giving children a slight reprieve from worry and a few reasons to feel “normal,” if only for a while.

Clean clothes, school supplies, and a backpack filled with healthy snacks can lighten the load of a child living in an unhealthy or unsafe environment. These small acts of kindness can also impact their decision-making and goal-setting skills as they grow and mature.

There is power in numbers and the only way to make a change is to get involved and take action.


Join the All-Star United Pageant today and become part of a glittering celebration of beauty, confidence and grace!